Sunday, August 31, 2008
as the base URL. If you do not need access to the server from other computers, you can skip the "Running as a server" step.
Running as a server
Modify web.xml
To allow other computers to access the Pentaho BI Platform, the base URL must be set in the web.xml file
- Locate the web.xml file, its default location is: pentaho-demo/jboss/server/default/deploy/pentaho.war/WEB-INF
- Open web.xml in an XML or text editor.
- Set the param-value of the context parameter base-url with the URL for the server. The URL should have the DNS Name or IP address of the machine, the port default 8080 and the context pentaho. If you want to change the port that the server uses, see the Advanced Install Guide.
The final result should look like:
Modify start-pentaho.(bat|sh)
Beginning with Pentaho BI Server 1.6-RC2 and later, an extra step is required in order to access the server from other hosts. Set the JBoss bind address by editing start-pentaho.(bat|sh). Add the -b parameter. More documentation for this parameter can be found on the JBoss wiki
start-pentaho.bat included with zip
@echo on
set PENTAHO_PATH=%~dp0
set PATH=%PENTAHO_PATH%jre\bin;%PATH%;
cd jboss\bin
start run -b <> included with gz
cd jboss/bin
sh -b
start-pentaho.bat included with exe installer
@echo "C:\pentaho\bi-server\jboss\bin\run.bat" -b ^<> "C:\pentaho\bi-server\jboss\bin\wrapper.bat"
Or you could also add the -D parameter: in the above snippets, replace the "-b" for "-Djboss.bind.address=YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE". This will change JBoss binding address and you will need to edit only web.xml to point to the same IP. However, this is a quick & dirty fix, for it breaks the shutdown scripts. As you can simply kill the server, it might help when a fast fix is needed to help things get going.
Modify stop-pentaho.(bat|sh)
If you added the -b parameter to start-pentaho.(bat|sh), you'll also need to make the following modification to stop-pentaho.(bat|sh).
@echo on
cd data
start stop_hypersonic.bat
cd ..\jboss\bin
shutdown -S -s<>
cd data
./ &
cd ../jboss/bin
./ -S -s